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AUTOMEND PRO Car Trash Can with Lid - 25 L (6.6 Gallon) Large Hanging Automotive Garbage Cans | Multipurpose Vehicle Organizer for Back Seat Storage | Leakproof Auto Trashcan with Pockets (Black)

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$38.00 /$42.60
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GARBAGE CAN FOR CAR KEEPS YOUR CAR CLEAN AND TIDY - Say goodbye to delicate car trash bags and liners that just don't do the job. With the AutomendPro car saver trash bin for car, you can easily dispose of in car garbage and loose food, keeping your car clean and organized.

TRASH BAG FOR CAR WITH WATER RESISTANT AND INSULATED LINER - Our hanging car trash can garbage bag includes a water-resistant and leakproof garbage bag for car PVC inner liner to prevent liquid spill and a splash and wear-resistant shell that's made of strong 600D Oxford polyester.

EASY TO INSTALL TRASH FOR CAR ORGANIZER - Installing the AutomendPro trash bag and large car trash can is easy. Mount or hang this cute car trash can to your car seat or headrest, and secure it using the adjustable hanging car bags for trash strap. Too easy!

MAGNETIC CAR CAN TRASH LID FOR SECURE DISPOSAL - For extra convenience, the Automend Pro trash can features a magnetic closure lid and snap buttons to keep your disposable trash can car bag (not included) steady and secure inside the waste basket.

CAR TRASH HOLDER ADDS EXTRA CAR STORAGE - Not just a car can trash bag! Our trash can car accessories bag includes 3 mesh holder pockets (1 front and 2 side), so you can use it as a backseat organizer to hold your phone, charging cable, pocket tissues, kids toys, and other items that frequently find their way to the floor.

INSTALL THE PORTABLE CAR ACCESSORIES TRASH CAN ANYWHERE - The adjustable hanging strap allows you to install and leave the portable car garbage bag hanging anywhere. Hang the small car trash can waterproof bag on the back of the driver seat, center console, or pop it on the floor for easy access.

AUTOMENDPRO GARBAGE COLLAPSIBLE AND EASY TO STORE AUTOMOTIVE GARBAGE CANS WITH LID - At just 260 x 50 x 360mm (10 x 2 x 14 inches) when folded, our auto garbage for car bag is designed to take up as little room as possible, ensuring there's plenty of room for extra luggage when you're on the road.

MULTIFUNCTIONAL SUV TRASH CAN WITH LID - This trash car bag be used in more ways than one. Hang the AutomendPro garbage can car bag in your car for easy car trash disposal or use it to keep gadgets and other items stored.

AUTOMENDPRO GARBAGE BIN FOR CAR FOR EASY RUBBISH DISPOSAL - With this cute car garbage can you’ll never have to worry about car or van garbage piling up in your vehicle again. Keep tiny wrappers and car bin trash off the floor and prevent food or liquid from staining your carpet.

25L LARGE TRASH BIN CAR CAPACITY - Each waterproof trash can for car front seat and car accessories garbage bag features a hinged closure and holds over 25L (6.6 gallons) worth of mini car trash, so there’s no need for frequent emptying during long trips.

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