Car Trash Can for SUVs, Trucks, Vans - Pink, 2 Gallons Capacity, Leak-Proof Liner, Utility Clasps, Cute Design
26% OFF
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Otterete un rimborsu cumplettu o un creditu di magazinu di u 100% dopu avè ricevutu u pacchettu riturnatu è verificatu. U rimborsu sarà trattatu è accreditatu automaticamente à u vostru metudu di pagamentu originale.Per piacè nutate chì i costi di spedizione è ogni dazi o tariffe ùn sò micca rimborsabili. I costi di spedizione supplementari ùn sò micca rimborsabili una volta chì u pacchettu hè statu speditu. Siete rispunsevuli di pagà sti tariffe è ùn pudemu micca rinunzià o rimbursalli, ancu sè l'ordine hè riturnatu à noi. Dopu avè ricevutu è cunfirmatu u vostru articulu riturnatu, vi mandaremu un email per infurmà chì avemu ricevutu u vostru articulu. Vi infurmeremu ancu di l'appruvazione o u rifiutu di u vostru rimborsu.Sè avete qualchì prublema riguardu u prucessu di rimborsu, cuntattateci. o Whatsapp: +8619359849471【KEEP YOUR CAR CLEAN AND TIDY】 ELONGRIVER'S car trash can with lid is designed to take care of the interior of every car. This car trash bag takes care of your car's messy and even smelly interior, keeping your car clean and tidy to ensure that you feel good every moment of your drive. So take ELONGRIVER mini car trash can with you for your road trip. Especially when your child is sitting in the back seat, this car trash can for back seat stores children's toys, scraps of paper, and snacks.

【LEAK-PROOF LINER & UTILITY CLASPS】 ELONGRIVER car trash bin have 2 utility side clasps to fix disposable garbage bags and effectively prevent them from falling off. The trash can for car's lining is made of premium leak-proof and eco-friendly liner with sturdy stitching, which is easy to place wet items and effectively prevents leaks and spills to keep the car clean and dry. As helpful trash can car accessories for you, this mini trash can for car is easy to clean with wipes and tissues.

【MULTIFUNCTIONAL USAGES】ELONGRIVER trash bin for car can also be a small temporary cooler bag, lunch bag and car storage organizer since its insulated function. The vehicle trash can is about 2 gallons, with 3 elastic storage pockets, you can store some trash for car, water cups, tissues, snacks, toys, wipes and beverages. As a collapsible trash bag for car, when you don't need it , you can fold this small car trash can to save room.

【SUITABLE FOR A VARIETY OF VEHICLES】ELONGRIVER's car trash can cute, suitable for many types of vehicles, including cars, SUVs, RVs, trucks, vans, boats, kayaks, campers and cabs.The car can trash bag with an adjustable strap be placed anywhere in the vehicle according to your needs, such as a car trash bag hanging on the headrests, gear shift, and glove box. You can also place these car trash cans on the floor, front/back seat, center console, etc.

【MATURE PRODUCTION AND AFTER-SALES】ELONGRIVER specializes in the production of car garbage cans, designing and launching stylish colors and patterns to add something different to your life. Meticulously making each high-resolution image with the same color and details as the product. Car trash bags were undergone strict quality and packaging inspection to ensure that every customer's purchase experience is satisfactory. Just Try it without hesitation.