AUTOMEND PRO Garbage Bag for Car - Disposable Trash Bag for Cars | 25L Car Trash Bin | Roll of 30 Car Trash Bags | Durable Trash Bags for Cars | Hanging Car Trash Bag for Front and Back Seat
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25L AUTO TRASH BAG FOR CAR KEEPS YOUR VEHICLE CLEAN AND TIDY - Keep front and backseat trash off the floor and prevent liquid or food waste from staining your vehicle's carpet with our disposable small trash bags for car. Each car garbage bag holds over 25L (6.6 gallons) worth of car bin trash, so there’s no need for frequent emptying. Our car bins are also EPI-infused, meaning each trash bin for car will oxo-biodegrade in a much shorter timescale than conventional plastic bags.

FITS AUTOMEND PRO CAR TRASH CANS PERFECTLY - Our trash for car bags are specifically designed to fit the Automend Pro Car Saver, so you can be sure there won't be any tight squeezes or messy overhangs. Instead of letting litter pile up or liquids spill inside your car trash can for women and men, simply insert a liner and say hello to quick and easy rubbish removal. Make cleaning out your Automend Pro automotive garbage cans a thing of the past with our car organizer for front seat.

HIGH-QUALITY CAR TRASH CAN BAGS - These durable car can trash bags are made of high density polyethylene which meets all your needs for food and drink contact. Boasting high quality strength, our poly automobile trash can bags are designed to stop rubbish piercing or seeping through, so you'll never have to worry about messy food or drink spills. Store everything from tissue paper, cups, kids bottles, shopping and grocery bags, containers, napkins, and more with our disposable car trash bag.

ROLL OF 30 CAR GARBAGE HOLDER BAGS FOR COST-EFFECTIVE RUBBISH REMOVAL - Containing 30 car garbage can travel bags, our disposable garbage bag roll will keep interior rubbish at bay for many of your future road-trips. Just like garbage bag rolls you find at the supermarket, our car trash bag hanging pouches come in a convenient roll for fast dispensing, and are perforated for easy tear-off. Save time cleaning out your Automend Pro Car Saver SUV trash can with easy-to-use disposable trash bags.

EASY TO INSERT CAR TRASH POUCH - Inserting or replacing your disposable car bag is as easy as 1, 2, 3. Simply tear off a trash car bag from the roll, insert it into the Automend Pro vehicle trash container, use the snap buttons to secure the car trash holder, mount it or strap it to your front or back seat or head rest, and you're good to go. When you have trash to throw away, simply pull open the magnetic lid and pop it into the car trash container. Disposing of rubbish has never been easier.

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