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2PCS Baby Books 0-6 Months Baby Toys 6-12 Month Touch and Feel Cloth Crinkle Soft Books Tummy Time Sensory Toys Learning Book Newborn Infant Baby 0-3-6-9-12-18 Months Boy Girl

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[All for Baby's Safe]: The Jungly and Ocean Tails baby book is made from BPA-free cloth and is soft to touch and chew, making it ideal for soothing baby teeth, especially suitable for 0-12 months babies. No small or loose parts to avoid the danger of choking and the stitches are strong enough to withstand chewing. Soft, lightweight, non-toxic, skin friendly and safe for babies. Easy to clean, colours and graphics do not fade easily and can be maintained with a quick wash

[3D Tails with 12 Different Textures]: Each soft crinkle baby book shows a variety of animals, each with a different fabric and texture and comes to life, giving your baby 12 different sensory textures to explore. In the early stages, they can discover different textures by touch and feel, developing their tactile sensitivity. Once teething begins, babies safely explore these baby toys by delivering books to their mouths to soothe their gums. And when they get a little bit older, they will turn the page

[Fun Sounds & Bright Colors]: Soft and plush pages produce rustling and squeaking sounds when flipped or pressed, attracting your baby's attention and curiosity, encouraging your baby to explore the soft baby book further, and promoting hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. The bright colors with high contrast on each page promote visual development and color recognition skills, aiding the baby's brain development. Making a variety of fun sounds by playing with a soft book helps stimulate their auditory and sensory development.

[Promotes Early Learning]: By combining crumpled pages, coloured pictures and a focus on vocabulary and animal tails, our cloth baby books provide a rich, enjoyable and educational experience that supports early learning. Introduce your child to a variety of animal tails and vocabulary as your baby reads and explores the pages with you, help your baby learn new words and expand vocabulary, promote brain development, develop concentration, and enrich imagination

[Ideal for Tummy Time and Travel]: Enhance tummy time with these brightly colored and engaging soft books. These crinkle books can be placed on the carpet and babies will be happy to touch and flip through these soft books. With cloth straps can be attached to strollers, car seats and gyms and are perfect for traveling. Keep your baby entertained and not bored on the go

[Perfect Baby Boy & Girl Gift]: Our colourful baby sensory books are the perfect gift for newborn baby girls and boys, perfect for babies 0-6-12-18 months, for all occasions and holidays such as baby shower gifts, birthdays, newborn presents and Christmas ect

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