Roof Sunshade for Tesla Model 3 2021-2023, Front & Rear Glass Roof Sun Shade for Skylight Heat Insulation Sunroof Shade Reflective 99% UV with Ice Crystal Coating Car Accessories for 2023 2022 Model 3 - (color: Roofshade for 2022 Tesla Model 3)
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【Sun Protection】 Use the sunroof shade, the top of your head will no longer be hot to avoid exposure to the sun; the high-quality textile layer is matched with 160,000 dot ice crystal reflective coatings, which effectively reduces the temperature inside the car, protects against 99% of UV rays, plays a blocking effect and reduces the energy consumption of air conditioner.

【Car interior upgrades】 The roof sun shade adopts high-grade beige, which is Perfectly matched with the original interior, which can effectively reduce the temperature in the car without making the driver bored,Always have good driving light. It perfectly solves the problem of Tesla Model 3 sunroof exposure. Please install our sun shade roof where you need it as soon as possible. Maybe your lover or friend also needs a glass roof sunshade now.

【Installation and folding】Correctly identifying the clips and their orientations, you could easily install it within 1 minutes. Connect and fix the gap between the sunroof and the shade cover with a fixed clip. The sun shade is made of memory stainless steel, which can be fixed and easy to fold,convenient for storage. With our sunroof shade, you can continue to enjoy the big sunroof without UV exposure. Solve this glass roof shortcoming in summer. The sunroof shades will comes with a carry storage bag for easy store in your tesla model 3 front or rear trunk.

【Packaging and Promise】The package contains 2 pieces of sunroof sunshade (distinguish between front and back) / 10 frame fixing clips / 1 black storage bag; By the way, this sunshade is ONLY compatible with Tesla Model 3(2020-2023), so please CHECK your tesla model before order!

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