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Bye Bye Knots Glueless Wig13x6 Lace Frontal Wigs Human Hair Pre Plucked 180% Density Invisible HD Glueless Pre Plucked Bleached Knots Lace Front Wig With Adjustable Band (20inches)

18% OFF
The Bye Bye Knots Glueless Wig offers convenience with its glueless design and pre-plucked features. Made from unprocessed Brazilian virgin hair, it provides a natural look. Its adjustable band and invisible lace make it suitable for various styles, making this a versatile option for daily or special occasions.glueless,pre-plucked,bleached knots,natural,versatile
$125.00 /$140.00
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Bleached knots 13x6 lace front wigs human hair material: 13x6 lace human hair wigs are pre-plucked and bleached knots, glueless ready to wear wigs. The wigs are 100% unprocessed Brazilian virgin human hair. Soft and comfortable, natural and healthy. The bleached knots are sewn by pure artificial hand and make the hairline even more invisible. It perfectly mimics your scalp itself and looks like it's growing out of your scalp.

Glueless black wig cap: This straight glueless lace front wig has an elastic band around the cap. It gives extra secure and keeps the wig in place all day. The belt is removable and can adjust easily. It makes installing more convenient even you are a beginner. You can always take it off if you think you can wear it perfectly without it. The dome cap secure suits for most head size.

Straight human hair wigs details: This black lace front wig human hair is Inviisible lace frontal wig. The transparent lace matches all skins and is realistic as your own hairline. The texture of the wig is no tangle, no shedding, easy to care and wash. 180% density is full and thick.

Long natural hair wig style: This human hair wig has a large space and can make any styles you want. You could do middle part and side part, deep part hairline and half up half down, high ponytail and bun. It is suitable for casual or formal wear. Whether you go to work or a party, going to church or other public places, this wig is a perfect fit. Natural black wig can also be re-dyed and re-styled.

Kindly reminder:Before you use it, wash and condition it first. Don't brush the hair, it will damage the wig. Comb with your fingers or a wide comb. Do not put chemicals or high heat into the lace section, that will damage the wig and cause it shedding. Try not to wear it while you sleep.

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