Candle Warmer Lamp with Timer, Compatible with Scented Jar Candles, Dimmable Wooden Candle Warming Lamp with 2 Halogen Bulbs
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Otterete un rimborsu cumplettu o un creditu di magazinu di u 100% dopu avè ricevutu u pacchettu riturnatu è verificatu. U rimborsu sarà trattatu è accreditatu automaticamente à u vostru metudu di pagamentu originale.Per piacè nutate chì i costi di spedizione è ogni dazi o tariffe ùn sò micca rimborsabili. I costi di spedizione supplementari ùn sò micca rimborsabili una volta chì u pacchettu hè statu speditu. Siete rispunsevuli di pagà sti tariffe è ùn pudemu micca rinunzià o rimbursalli, ancu sè l'ordine hè riturnatu à noi. Dopu avè ricevutu è cunfirmatu u vostru articulu riturnatu, vi mandaremu un email per infurmà chì avemu ricevutu u vostru articulu. Vi infurmeremu ancu di l'appruvazione o u rifiutu di u vostru rimborsu.Sè avete qualchì prublema riguardu u prucessu di rimborsu, cuntattateci. o Whatsapp: +8619359849471Health and environmental protection: CHIACHIA candle warming lamp using color temperature 2700k halogen lamp (35W) to heat the candle, this heating method not only extends the life of the candle but also allows the aromatherapy candle to melt in a non-combustible, smoke-free and soot-free state.

Heat, Adjust, Timer Function: The candle lamp uses the heat from the bulb to melt the candle from top to bottom. You can set the auto-off time and adjust the light from the top candle heater as needed. The brighter the light, the higher the temperature, the faster the melting and the faster the fragrance emits.

Suitable for all sizes of scented candles: The lamp candle warmer with metal body and glass shade is suitable for a variety of large and small jar candles. You can also adjust the brightness of the light to create the perfect ambiance and serve as a night light to accompany you to sleep.

Keep your house free from fire: Candles cause an estimated 15,600 house fires and thousands of injuries each year in the United States. Say goodbye to flames, smoke and soot and use our candle warmer lamp for jar candles to safely melt candles and enjoy pure fragrance.

Perfect Gift: Minimalist design candle lamp warmer with timer are great as gifts and home decorations, perfect for Valentine's Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Father's Day, Mother's Day, birthdays or other special occasions to express your love to your family, loved ones or friends.

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