WOOMER Pet Heating Pad for Cats and Dogs, Includes Two Removable Covers, Heated Bed with Steel-Wrapped Cord, Waterproof and Chew-Resistant, 28”×18” Large Size for Larger Cats, Dogs and Rabbits
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Intelligent Temperature Adjustable: This puppy heating pad thermostat has 5 heat setting to choose from (86-122℉/30-50℃). Controllable temperature will warm up to the set temperature quickly and evenly, allowing you to cater to our furry loved ones specific needs, ensuring optimal comfort. Setting it for those colder nights gives you peace of mind that your precious pet is cozy and relax enough

Smart Timer And Auto Shut-offs: With energy efficient and a focus on safety, our cats electric blanket winter mat with timer provide auto shut off range from 2 to 24 hours. You can put the timer to keep the cat warm during the night without any worries or have it cut off at specific times. Safe for your feline friend to use whether overnight or while you are away. Plus: the indicator light will illuminate to tell you how much time is left

Upgraded Chew Resistant Cord For Added Safety: If your dog might gnaw on the plastic-coated cord of the heated bed, our electric heated pet mat designed for pets indoor outdoor safe.The 2 meters steel-wrapped chew resistant cord is substantial and solid. Not only does this add to the pad's durability, but it also provides that extra layer of protection against wear and tear

Safety Protective Structure: Technologically advanced animal heating pad outside feature 7 layer protective construction with MET approved heating wire to protect pets from burns. Soft PVC inner is IP68 waterproof and flame-retardant. Built in temperature sensor in the heating pad to prevent overheating. Tips :Please do not allow your pet to lie on the heating pad without a plush cover

Ideal Heating Pads for Your Pets: Big, small, young or old, your furry and outdoor friends will LOVE staying warm with safe, cosy, pet warming pad all day and night! Perfect fit cat house wooden house kennel crate. It also can warm newborn kitten puppies litter for whelping box and pet pain relief. Making it a practical and pet-friendly addition to home