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Can Opener Manual, Can Opener with Magnet, Hand Can Opener with Sharp Blade Smooth Edge, Handheld Can Openers with Big Effort-Saving Knob, Can Opener with Multifunctional Bottles Opener, Green

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Smooth Edge Can Opener - The most basic principle of the manual can opener is to use a gear to drive a sharp blade to make a circle to open the can lid. So we improved the precision of the gear and used high carbon steel blades instead of ordinary blades, the razor-sharp blade and precision gears work perfectly together to cut the lid smoothly with every revolution of the blade. so dont worry about getting scratched by the burred edge of the can when scooping food from the can.

BENENOs Improvement of Manual Can Opener - We use Eco-friendly rubber in the handle and turn knob, which greatly improves the hand-held comfort of the manual can opener and avoids hand slipping when opening the can even if your hand is oiled. The knob with increased height and finger contact surface makes the hand more effortless when opening the can, and the knob can be twisted 360°in both directions, which is a great gift for the elderly and arthritis.

Focus on Safe Can Opener Tools - Weve attached a strong suction magnet to the bottom of the can opener, and added a strong fluted base to the magnet to prevent the magnet from falling off. Once the lid has been cut by the blade, just use the magnet to pull the lid up, which keeps your hand away from the smooth (and possibly sharp) edges of the lid and keeps food clean.

All-in-One Design - The multifunctional can opener built-in bottle opener is designed for beer soda and other bottles with caps meet all your needs, The celebratory beer and bottle drinks can be easily opened with a simple pry with the hook.

The BENENO Assurance - Every BENENO product is covered with a lifetime assurance. If you experience any issue with your BENENO product, please feel free to contact us for a replacement or refund. BENENO customer service team is here for you 24 hours every day.

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