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Cordless Car Buffer Polisher Kit - 6 Inch Dual Action Random Polishing Wax Machine for Car Detailing,2Pcs 2000mah Batteries,6 Variable Speed 2500-5000RPM,Orbital Polisher for Car Boat Polishing Waxing

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【CORDLESS CAR BUFFER POLISHER】Our car polishing kit allows you to say goodbye to cords completely. Easy to install the battery, instantly start the polishing journey. No longer worry about the proximity of power sockets, no longer worry about the tangle of cords and storage, so that the polishing work as you wish, enjoy the ultimate convenience. Whether you are working in a small space or outdoors, it is your most reliable partner. Cordless design makes every polishing a free trip

【EFFICIENT POWER】The car buffers and polishers kit equipped with 50W of powerful power.Easily handle all kinds of car polishing challenges!Whether its stubborn stains on the surface of your car or minor scratches,it can restore the polished as new texture to your car.Dual action polisher equipped with 2 batteries,each of which can continue to work for 40min,and with the 1.5h fast-charging,batteries can be fully charged and ready to go quickly while you work.Power and efficiency go hand in hand

【6-SPEED VARIABLE】6 speed adjustments to precisely match your needs.The orbital polishers each speed adjustment is a precise control of the details,low gear to gently deal with minor body imperfections,medium and high gear can deeply solve the deep scratches,to achieve the best restoration effect,to meet your diverse polishing needs.You can find the most suitable gear from buffer polisher for car detailing to bring back the silky shine of your car

【ONE MACHINE MULTIPURPOSE】This random orbital polisher buffer is not just limited to car polishing and waxing, equipped with sponge and wool material polishing discs,it is easy to cope with a variety of polishing scenarios.From car lights to body polishing and waxing,from car window glass to bathroom glass cleaning,from marble desktop to wooden floor polishing and maintenance,to motorcycle and other metal surfaces fine polishing,one polishing machine,multiple uses,enjoy the quality of life

【GREAT GIFT CHOICE】With its lightweight and easy-to-use features,excellent performance,wide range of application scenarios and little noise.Our cordless car wax buffer polisher makes a great gift for husbands,fathers,and brothers.It can not only help them easily complete the polishing and waxing of their favorite cars,but also let them enjoy a full sense of achievement in the process of DIY.Do it yourself and put a new coat on your car,so that every trip is full of confidence and joy

【WORRY-FREE AFTER-SALES】We firmly believe that quality products and attentive service are the best reasons for you to choose our cordless orbital polisher for cars.So if you encounter any problems,please feel free to contact us,we will reply promptly within 24 hours to solve the problem for you.Make your shopping experience more at ease and rest assured

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