Dash Cam Front and Rear, Mini Dash Cam 2.5K QHD with 32GB SD Card, 2.45 inch IPS Screen, 2 Mounting Ways, Night Vision, WDR, Accident Lock, Loop Recording, Parking Monitor
17% OFF
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Otterete un rimborsu cumpletu o un creditu di magazinu di u 100% dopu avè ricevutu u pacchettu riturnatu è verificatu. U rimborsu serà trattatu è accreditatu automaticamente à u vostru metudu di pagamentu originale. Per piacè nutate chì i costi di spedizione è ogni dazi o tariffe ùn sò micca rimbursabili. I costi di spedizione supplementari ùn sò micca rimbursabili una volta chì u pacchettu hè statu speditu. Site rispunsevuli di pagà sti tariffe è ùn pudemu micca rinunzià o rimbursà li, ancu se l'ordine hè riturnatu à noi. Una volta chì avemu ricevutu è cunfirmatu u vostru articulu riturnatu, vi mandaremu un email per infurmà vi chì avemu ricevutu u vostru articulu riturnatu. Vi infurmeremu ancu di l'approvazione o u rifiutu di u vostru rimborsu.Se avete qualchì prublema riguardu u prucessu di rimborsu, per piacè cuntattateci. service@roymall.com o Whatsapp: +86193598494712.5K MINI DASH CAM FRONT AND REAR - ⭐The NEW VERSION has been updated since January 25, 2025. The resolution has been upgraded for a better experience. It comes with a 170 wide-angle 2.5K front camera and a 1080P HD waterproof rear camera that captures all three lanes of the road. This mini and compact dash cam won't obscure your view. Meanwhile, the IPS display and WDR function make video recording more vivid, colorful and clear.

32GB CARD INCLUDED & TWO MOUNTING WAYS - In order to allow you to use the dash cam more quickly, we provide a 32gb SD card, you do not need to buy this card additionally. It is plug and play, very convenient. Two kinds of brackets are included. The suction cup allows flexible placement of the dash cam, while the 3M bracket stabilises the position of the dash cam.

LOOP RECORDING & ACCIDENT LOCK - The loop recording function makes the newly recorded video will overwrite the oldest video when sd card is full. Built-in G-Sensor, the video will be automatically locked and retained without being overwritten when the car is hit. Or you can, by pressing the lock button, keep the video you want.

SUPER NIGHT VISION & PARKING MONITOR - The WDR function automatically adjusts the brightness of the light. Weakens the strong light and improves the low light. The dash cam can clearly capture the road conditions in the night. If the parking monitor function is turned on and the car is hit or scratched, the dash cam will automatically sense and record a short video.

EASY INSTALLATION & ALL IN ONE DESIGN - After collecting all the accessories for installing the dashcam, we have added a crowbar and cable clips to help you install the dash cam better and faster, and even a novice can easily set up and install. In addition to the basic functions, the dash cam has more features like Voice Recording, Photo Function and so on.

TECHNICAL SUPPORT & RELIABLE CUSTOMER CARE - We offer Technical Support including professional after-sales team who respond 24/7 online, replacement parts. If there is any problem or suggestions with the dash cam front and rear, please let us know. We will always be here for you.