Dog Kitten Playpen with Play Pen Cover for Cat Indoor, 42x42 x25.5 Puppy Playpen for Small Pet with See-Through Topper Proof Enclosed Door Dog Pen, Sturdy Warm Protable Playpen Pen for Cat
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QUALITY&STURDY MATERIAL:The nice Solid Frame is consist of Stainless Steels Rods & Durablle Fabric & Thinck Plastic Connectors & Mesh , which make the puppy cat dog play pen fits better for Chewers and more claw proof if your pets are naughty in the small dog play pen crate.

PORTABILITY&EASY-ASSEMBLY : Totally weighted 8lbs, you can easliy move the puppy playpen inddor from room to another room. And the fence playpen for small dog with gate has Zippers & Velcro while you needn't contain pets in the enclosured playpen all the time. And it is not hard to assemble the dog crate pen , just a bit of time.

PETS FRIENDLY:The pets playpen indoor for momma puppy and kitten is perfect for the rest of her pregnancy, she and babies will have a nice comfy spot in the pen.If you have a pet cat dog you want to keep separated for a medical reason, on vet restrictions, needs extra care or just because they are new to the house this pet play pen is perfect. And the spacious doggies playpen let you love how well puppy kitten could see through the kennel.

SAFETY:At the top four corners of puppy playpen, there are thick linings. Meanwhile the Stainless Steels Rods& Plastic Connectors are chamfered that can protect you when set up /take down the small dog playpen. This play pen crate with door is also secure to keep your cat puppy in while you're outside.