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Driver Or Passenger Winter Luxury Car Seat Cushion for Full Back and Seat Suitable for All Kinds of Family Cars, SUVs, Off-Road Vehicles, RVs, Vans, Construction Vehicles, etc.-Gray

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$35.99 /$40.3
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Cold winter is coming, does your car need a set of soft and cozy seat covers to withstand the cold winter? Our products use surface flocking technology, so that the view and touch can have a warm and cozy feeling, even in the cold winter days, can make you feel warm in your car!

Use of technology: Our products are designed with five layers inside and outside to ensure the quality of the product from the inside to the outside. And the surface is made of soft short plush, which can create a silky touch. The advanced press thread sewing technology can ensure that the outer layer of the product will not lose hair, and the inner layer will not be deformed when pressed for a long time. Provide you with the most comfortable feeling

Design style: we provide multi-color design, purple, beige, black, gray, there is always a match for your car. A good color combination can create a full sense of warmth in the car, so that you love the time in the car. The seat section measures 21 x 19 inches and the backrest is 24 inches, suitable for all types of cars, pickup trucks, RVs, box trucks or SUV

NON-SLIP BOTTOM: We have designed the bottom of the product with non-slip dense rubber granules, which increases the contact area between the cushion and the seat, and prevents the car seat from slipping off. We also reserve the straps and give you a free safety hook, so you can use it completely freely, you can fix the straps under the car seat to make sure the cushion is held in place

ABOUT US:We have been dedicated to researching car seat cushions for decades, and we want our products to not only protect your precious original leather seats from external damage, but also be comfortable and beautiful to use. The products are subjected to strict manual quality inspection, if there is any problem with the product itself or damage occurs during transportation, we will take full responsibility for the return and replacement within one year

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