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FLUESTON LCD Writing Tablet, Doodle Board Toys Gifts for 3-8 Year Old Girls Boys, 10 Inch Colorful Electronic Board Drawing Pad for Kids, Gifts for Toddler Educational Learning Travel Birthday, Blue

75% OFF
The FLUESTON LCD Writing Tablet is an excellent choice for encouraging creativity in children. Its lightweight design makes it portable, while the eye-friendly screen ensures safety during use. This versatile device serves multiple purposes, making it a valuable addition to any childs learning tools.educational,portable,eye-protection,creative,multi-purpose
$18.99 /$21.5
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👨‍🚀 [THE BEST KIDS GIFT & FRIENDLY CUSTOMER SERVICE]: The kids toys is a good educational learning toys, which helps child free their imagination and creativity. It is the best toddler toys for boys girls. Perfect Choice as gift ideas for back to school, birthday, Thanksgiving Day, Easter, Christmas and any occasion. Each kids tablet comes with a writing stylus, so if you have any question about the stylus or doodle board, please directly contact us seller, we will try our best to assist you.

👨‍🚀 [PORTABLE AND LIGHTWEIGHT]: The Preschool toddlers can have all the pleasure, enjoy painting, count the numbers, spell phrases at any time and place (home, car, outside, airplane, school) with no longer making a mess on the ground or walls, especially the time they are at home. 10 inches of writing area, 0.26-inch ultra-thin design, 6 ounces weight, hardly feel the weight of the toys for 5 year old boys, which is convenient to carry with bag.

👨‍🚀 [NO BLUE LIGHT, PROTECT CHILDRENS EYES, E-CO-FRIENDLY]: FLUESTON LCD writing tablet using highly sensitive pressure sensitive technology and smooth flexible LCD color screen, the lines are colorful, clear and eye-catching. The screen is not self-illuminating, and its optical writing characteristics are the same as papers. No dust, ink, ra-diation, g-lare, safe and hy-gienic, all shield eyes, be safe & comfortable when your kids create work for quite a while.

👨‍🚀 [EASY TO USE, ONE-CLICK CLEAR & SCREEN LOCK]: The writing tablet creates colorful lines of different depth based on how hard you push, just like writing on paper with a pen or pencil! A sensory toys for autistic children is exactly like a bit of paper that can’t be consumed! The magnetic drawing board is built in a CR2025 button battery (hold up to 12 months use, replaceable), which can work quite a while with tens of thousands of erasing! Draw what you want, one button to erase the image.

👨‍🚀 [MULTI-PURPOSE]: A reusable draw pad for kids is suited to writing, drawing, office memo board, message board, and as a communication tool. This type of children’s doodle board is acceptable that you teach your kid to draw or instruction which could present the child’s imagination and enhance imagination by non-polluting, random graffiti, avoiding school-age children’s garments, stocking stuffers for kids. holiday toys list 2022 for 3 3-4 4-5 5+ 6-8 8-10 8-12 10 year old boys girls, easter basket stuffers for kids.

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