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Graph Paper Pads 8.5 x 11 Graph Paper Notebook 8 Pack Grid Notebook Paper Pad 2x2 Quad Grid Paper Pad 8-1/2 x 11 White Quadrille Pad 8.5" x 11" Graft Paper Graph Pad 70 GSM Grid Tablet 50 Sheets/Pad

40% OFF
The graph paper pads offer a sturdy build and easy to use features like perforations for neat tearing. With versatile applications across various fields, they are a practical choice for students and professionals alike. A comprehensive set ensures you have ample supplies for all your needs.graph paper,quality,perforated,durable,multi-purpose
$17.00 /$19.0
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【Easier Writing & Reading】 - Graph paper notebook have proper size, in approx. 8.5 x 11 inches/ 21.59 x 27.94 cm, with the grid approx. 2 squares per inch, 50 sheet per pad. Grid paper notebook made from 21-lb. thick white paper, these quadrille pads sheets do not bleed and can be used on both sides. The blue grid lines leave letters, numbers, and diagrams clearly legible. Graph paper notebook have fine workmanship, made of quality paper material, giving you a nice writing experience.

【Tears Off Quickly & Neatly】 - Grid paper pads 8.5 x 11 is designed with perforations at the top. These rows of small holes let you separate a graphing sheet from the rest of the pad without damaging the binding. The grid notebook paper pads is designed with double sided print, so you can draw on both sides, thus using the paper to the fullest extent. You can use the whole grid paper 8.5 x 11 or tear off a few pages, so you can just carry some pages to use, providing much convenience for you.

【Sturdy Chipboard Backing】 - These white quadrille pads 8.5 x 11 are equipped with thicker, stronger cardboard pad on the back, to let you write with a support, doesn't slip out of hands easily, graph drawing pad perfect for holding a pen and writing in various environment, travel or in fields where few desks are available. The top of the white graph pads 8.5 x 11 is glued by strong glue. The graft paper grid tablet 8.5 x 11 can be torn off a page quickly and cleanly without leaving any crumbs.

【Wide Range of Applications】- White graph paper 8.5 x 11 is designed in grid shape, applicable for school and engineering work. You can use letter-sized graphing notebook 8.5 x 11 to solve math problems. It's ideal for note-taking and solving algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, and physics problems. Besides, graph drawing pad is suitable for technical drawing, mapping, planning, blueprints, engineering and technical applications. Essential for artists, architects, engineers and students.

【Perfect Choice】 - You will get 8 pieces of cross section pads, each has 50 sheets, totally 400 sheets. Sufficient quantity will meet your using needs, and you can share them with your family. Large graph paper 8.5 x 11 can be practical product for students, colleagues and friends. They are grid ruled pages suitable for anyone and for many purposes. Quad pads 8.5 x 11 is the first choice. Grid paper notebook for Birthdays, Christmas, New Year’s, Anniversaries, and more.

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