Interactive Cat Toy Suction Cup Cat Bird Simulation Cat Toy Set Self Play Cat and Kitten Toys for Indoor Cats 3Pcs Cat Wand Toy 13Pcs Cat Feather Replacement Toys Hanging Cat String and Mouse Toy
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[3 Interactive Modes] Cat toys interactive for indoor cats are designed to keep your furry friend engaged and active. You can stick indoor cat toys to the floor or glass for the cat to play with by itself. You can also use the rod as a cat toy wand. Cat wands will increase your interaction with the cat and make you and the cat more intimate. Interactive cat toy set also has a hanging door accessory. Cat string toy can be used as cat door toy and an everyday best cat toys for bored cats

[Durable Cat Playset] The bungee rope of door hanging cat toy is 36 inches long and wire cat toy can be adjusted, and cat string toy is about 0.1 inches thick. This flying bird cat toy is thicker than other ropes, more durable. The suction cup of cat toy base has been upgraded with strong glue for long-lasting adhesion on smooth surfaces. 2.7" large diameter suction cups can withstand 20 lbs. With flexible steel wire construction, cat feather wand can withstand even the most active games

[Precautions for cat suction cup toys] Cat fishing pole toy is great for kittens and cats of all ages and sizes! 2 suction cups inside cat wand toy attachments allow you to stick sucker cat toys to multiple places at the same time. Choose a smooth and clean area and stick cat toy suction cup on it. If the suction cup of cat interactive toys for indoor cats is dirty or not sticky, clean the base of cat toys suction cup to restore the stickiness. Let sucker cat toy dry naturally after cleaning

[Indoor Cat Toy] All toy accessories in the package of suction cup cat toys are made of safe materials. You can rest assured that your cat can use kitten toys. This bird toy for cats will help your cat flip, jump, pounce, chase stay active indoors. Cat stimulation toys for active cats help cats expend extra energy and get more exercise. This is a great interactive pet toys to spend quality time with your cat. Gift your cat a cat toy box and keep your cat entertained when you can't be there