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LINCOLN LOGS – Oak Creek Lodge – 137 Pieces - Real Wood Logs-Ages 3+ - Best Retro Building Gift Set for Boys/Girls – Creative Construction Engineering – Top Blocks Game Kit - Preschool Education Toy

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137 AUTHENTIC WOODEN PIECES – LINCOLN LOGS Oak Creek Lodge contains 137 parts and pieces made in the U.S. from real maple wood logs. Each log has indentations that can be used to connect it with the others. The package also includes a door, roof eaves and slates, windows, and two plastic figures — a cowboy and a horse.

3 BUILDING IDEAS – Youngsters will enjoy creating three different models with this colorful set. Kids can easily follow the step-by-step instruction sheet that shows them how to build three cabins and two stables. Let your little builders discover the joy of construction with LINCOLN LOGS Oak Creek Lodge.

ADVANCED PRESCHOOL LEARNING – LINCOLN LOGS help children develop their analytical and motor skills. Children as young as three years old can easily hold and stack the wooden logs. Their creation of different models introduces them to STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math) subjects.

TIMELESS CLASSIC – Grandparents and parents will enjoy sharing fond memories as they build new ones with their children or grandchildren. Together, they can construct a variety of horse stables and cabins that allow kids to experience the fun of construction.

AMERICA’S NATIONAL TOY: Invented by John Lloyd Wright, son of famous American architect Frank Lloyd Wright, in 1916, LINCOLN LOGS has become America’s National Toy. Beloved by 4 generations of builders, LINCOLN LOGS provides hours of fun while building a solid foundation of STEAM/STEM subjects.

DEVELOPMENT BENEFITS: LINCOLN LOGS supports key areas of a child’s development growth. As the stack the different part together and discover how the building system works, they’re strengthening hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, problem-solving skills, spatial awareness and exercising their imagination!

COMMITMENT TO QUALITY: LINCOLN LOGS wooden parts and pieces are responsibly made in America with 70% of the wood coming from Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified forests or other forestry managed timberlands. We test to the strictest quality and safety standards, ensuring that your child has a successful, trouble-free building experience.

PARTS GUARANTEE: Broken part? Missing part? If you find yourself in need of a replacement for any reason, just give us a call! We’ll get you what you need so that your child can get back to building as soon as possible.

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