Montessori Stacking Toys 3-in-1 Set
52% OFF
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【EXQUISITE CRAFTSMANSHIP】Designed with kids in mind, each stacking block is made with delicately-textured non-toxic ABS material that can withstand scratch, and drop impact. No sharp edges, parents can rest assured that their little ones can play safely.(*PLEASE NOTE: For children younger than 3-year-old, please put aside all of the smallest cubes before playing and parental supervision is advised.)

【BRIGHT COLOR & FINE TEXTURE JUST FOR KIDS】24 adorable images of animals, plants and vehicles are vividly printed(eco-friendly UV printing) with vibrant colors to capture your children's attention and encourage them to touch, feel and learn, perfect pattern blocks for promoting fine motor skills and encouraging brain and sensory development.

【BEST STEM TOY EVER】These block toys are perfect for introducing your children to the world of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics(STEAM). By playing with these toy blocks, kids will learn about geometry, spatial awareness, and problem-solving, among other skills. It's also a great way to encourage social interaction, as kids can work with friends, siblings or parents to build bigger and better structures.

【IDEAL CHOICE FOR GIFTS】This STEM building blocks set comes nicely packaged and ready to be given as a gift. Perfect present for Birthdays/Christmas gift/Holidays or any other festivals and occasions. A must-have toy set for any child's toy collection.

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