Reusable Dog Diapers Female 3 Pack Washable Premium Highly Absorbent Doggie Diapers, Flexible Puppy Diapers, Durable Leak-Proof Dog Diapers for Period Heat Incontinence Potty Training, L
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HIGHLY ABSORBENT DOGGIE DIAPER - The washable dog diapers are made up of the breathable jersey inner wicks, 4 middle layers of highly absorbent fleece and smooth outer layer. Triple security protection, feeling relieved to use for your pet. Because of the high-quality and soft material, the girl dog diaper can keep away from wetness, cool comfort, bringing your girl a cozy feeling.

SKIRT DESIGN & USER-FRIENDLY - The reusable dog diapers are integrated with skirt combining practicability and aesthetics in the design. With the flexible velcro, the female dog diaper can not only adjust the size freely according to the dog's waist, but also be quick and easy to put on/take off and won't stick to your pet's fur. There is also a hole for your dog’s tail, which increases the dog's comfort and acceptance effectively.

LEAK-PROOF & SANITARY DOG DIAPER - Mengelina dog diaper is the most loyal guardian angel for your girls. The female dog wraps have 360 degree leak-proof barriers, and a super absorbent core, having the reassurance that your dog will not have accidents all over your home. It also helps reduce the stimulation on your dog's skin caused by blood or urine, assuring the sanitation.

WIDELY APPLICATION & EASIER LIFE - This dog diapers for female can be applied to puppy training and the dog in incontinence, heat, surgery recovery, excitable urination. It also works well in dog’s period to help dog keep dry and comfortable, and protect furniture as well. With our diapers, both of your furry friend and you can enjoy yourselves without worrying and improve mutual bond at the same time.