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SNBLK Designed for AirPods 3 Case Cover 2021, Soft Silicone Shock-Absorbing Protective Skin Compatible with AirPods 3rd Generation Case with Keychain, Wireless Charging, Front LED Visible, Steel Bule

50% OFF
The SNBLK AirPods 3 case offers excellent protection with soft silicone material that absorbs shocks and prevents scratches. Its precise fit ensures easy installation, while a variety of colors allows for personal expression. Additionally, the included keychain enhances portability, making it a practical choice for everyday use.Soft Silicone,Shock-Absorbing,Precise Fit,Stylish,Keychain
$9.00 /$10.1
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✅Premium Material: The premium material of the AirPods 3 case is elastic silicone, which is known for its smoothness, softness, and durability. This material provides excellent protection for your AirPods 3 against scratches, scuffs, and other forms of damage. It is important to note that this case isONLY compatible with Apple AirPods 3 (2021 Released), NOT for AirPods 1, AirPods 2 & AirPods Pro

✅Fits Perfectly: The one-piece precise cutout technology used in this AirPods 3 case ensures that it fits perfectly with the charging case. This means that the cover is specifically designed to match the size and shape of the AirPods 3 charging case, ensuring a snug and secure fit. This precise cutout technology also makes it incredibly easy to put on and take off the case. You can be confident that it will stay in place and protect your AirPods 3 when you need it to

✅Super Security: This AirPods 3 case provides full protection for your earbuds. It is designed to prevent bumps, scratches, fingerprints, and dirt from accumulating on your AirPods 3, which helps to keep them always looking like new. Elastic silicone material absorbs shocks and impact, which means that it can effectively protect your AirPods 3 from accidental drops or bumps. The soft and smooth texture of the material also helps to prevent scratches and scuffs

✅Multiple Colors: Our Apple AirPods case covers are not only functional but also stylish. Our cases come in a range of colors, from bold and bright to subtle and sophisticated, you can find the perfect one to suit your style. With our AirPods case covers, you can keep your earbuds safe and add a touch of personality to your everyday accessories

✅Easy to Carry: Come with a metal keychain attached to them, making them easy to carry around without the risk of losing them. Having a keychain attached to your earbuds can make it easy to clip them onto your bag or keyring, so you can always have them with you when you need them. This is especially useful if you're someone who tends to misplace things or forget where you put your earbuds

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