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labebe Baby Rocking Horse with Seat Belt,Ride Unicorn Bouncer for Kid 6 Month -3 Years,Stuffed Animal Rocker,Riding Toy for Baby Girls, Nursery Birthday Gift

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$110.00 /$123.2
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3-Side Seat With Safety Belt: The 3-side harness seat ensures that baby is always protected while rocking. Adjustable 3-point safety harness allows this pink unicorn rocking horse to grow with your baby. The supporting structure is made of solid wood which has 150 lbs as max weight capacity. It is specially cute and sturdy. A must-have unicorn bouncer and cute unicorn rocking horse for girls aged 6 months and over!

Perfect Soft for Baby Skin: The filled PP cotton are all well stitched inside the plush fabric, sewing are neatly done, baby's little butt is completely protected by softness and you won't find any fiberfill come out from corner, Unicorn will stay solid even when roughly pulled by babies. The abundant pp cotton are spread evenly at every corner, this ensures the comfort. Your child will enjoy it with this baby ride, baby rocking horse. This animal rocker, rocker toy will be a best gift for 1 year old girl.At the same time also a beautiful addition to a playroom or bedroom~

Help Train Core Muscles: This Pink Unicorn rocking horse is 27cm (10.63IN)high, an ideal height for baby 1-3 years to go up and down. Climbing up and down the rocker unicorn animal also strengthens the arm and leg muscles,help exercise their sense of balance, palm grip, cultivate thinking skills, stimulate curiosity, and promote children's healthy growth.Meanwhile it can be well used as baby rocker chair, kids riding toys or plush rocking horse. This is quite a fantastic birthday gift for your baby.

Sturdy Structure: Solid wood and MDF (Medium Density Fiber) are used to make the structure, solid but not too heavy to rock. With a 20-degree rocking range, children can enjoy the full pleasure of rocking while remaining safely seated.Wooden rocker was finely polished to provide a smooth surface that will not scratch children's clothes or skin.The seat is filled with rich cotton, soft and comfortable without pinching baby's bottom.All the Materials are strict to the Toys Safety Standards in US. This unicorn ride on , child rocker will make child safe growth as a baby riding toys,rocker infant.

Fast Assemble: The bottom plate is already assembled at the factory, you only need to install two wooden boards, four screws and wooden blocks, anyone can easily install it.Easy to use accessories and clear illustrations to successfully complete the assembly. If you are not sure how to do this, or have any questions, please contact us and we will be happy to help you.

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