HopeRock Toys for 2 3 4 5 Year Old Boy,Toddler Toys Age 2-4, Whack A Frog Game,with 5 Modes,45 Levels,9 Music Spray and Light-up, Baby Toy Gifts for Early Learning, Birthday Gift for Toddler Boy Toys
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【Sensitive Counting】The Frog Game Toy is a specifically designed educational toy for 3 year old boys,that makes for great 3 year old boy gifts.Kids can play by gently tapping the "light-up frogs." This action helps to improve strength in their little hands. The game involves hitting frogs with flashing lights to score points and has a two-player mode that parents and kids can enjoy together, fostering a strong parent-child bond. This toy is a great choice for physical and interactive fun!

【Upgraded Design-Spray Function】The upgraded Frog Game Toy now features a spray function that further stimulates kids interest. It automatically sprays upon turning on the toy or passing a level. Kids can select different modes by pressing the switch button, causing the frog to change and glow with a soft, non-dazzling light. This helps to improve their visual, language, and musical sound recognition abilities. When the frog isn't hit, the toy continues to encourage the child to keep playing.

【Adjustable volume】The Frog Game Toy allows you to adjust the sound volume and pause the game according to your surroundings. If not in use for 20 seconds, it enters a power-saving mode and goes to sleep. After 5 minutes of inactivity, the toy will automatically turn off and enter power-saving mode to conserve energy.

【Kids' Holiday Gift Toy】This frog toy is an excellent educational tool and a toddler gifts that can stimulate your child's development. It makes a perfect present for birthdays and Easter toys for toddlers, bringing a delightful grin to their charming little faces. These toys for ages 3-4 are both entertaining and ideal for boys and girls in that age range, and your kids will surely become enamored with this frog toy!

【SAFE MATERIALS】This frog toy is constructed from ABS plastic, making it BPA-free, non-toxic. The accessories have a smooth surface with no sharp edges, ensuring that it will not cause any harm to a baby's delicate skin. It is suitable for toddlers and can be touched, played with, and hugged by them. The toy meets American toy standards and has undergone rigorous safety testing, ensuring that it is safe for your kids to use.