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(2 Pack) Mushroom Coffee Powder, 10 Mushroom Blend- Lion's Mane, Chaga, Brain Supplements with Arabica Coffee, Ashwagandha, L-Theanine for Energy, Focus, Memory and Immunity, 160G

65% OFF
The product is good for enhancing energy and focus, thanks to its unique blend of ten mushrooms and low-caffeine Arabica coffee. It also offers antioxidant support and is easy to incorporate into daily routines. Its a solid choice for those seeking a healthier coffee alternative.Mushroom Blend,Cognitive Function,Low-Caffeine,Antioxidants,Convenient
$34.95 /$39.5
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Why You Need Catfit Mushroom Coffee — Our mushroom coffee powder uses mushroom fruiting bodies, which contain more active ingredients and nutrients than mycelium, offering higher nutritional value. It features extracts from 10 super mushrooms: lions mane, cordyceps, chaga, agaricus blazei, king trumpet, willow bracket, shiitake, oyster, wood hedgehog, and tremella. The combination of mushrooms and coffee fully integrates the health benefits of both, providing energy and enhancing focus and cognition. Whether you are a busy professional, a student, or someone feeling fatigued, Catfit Mushroom Coffee Powder is the ideal choice for alertness and mental clarity

The Best Mushroom Coffee You’ve Been Looking For — You deserve the best mushroom coffee, which is why we use low-caffeine Arabica coffee of the highest quality. Our coffee powder contains only half the caffeine of regular coffee, providing lasting energy without causing jitters or crashes. Additionally, Catfit mushroom coffee features extracts from 10 selected mushroom fruiting bodies, combined into one convenient solution. Simplifying complexity, it meets diverse needs while delivering remarkable results

Introducing A Powerful Combination of Vitality and Focus — Lions mane is packed with beneficial nutrients that can enhance cognitive function, memory, and attention. The low-caffeine coffee further help energy and focus. This invigorating coffee alternative combines these beneficial ingredients to enrich your healthy lifestyle from within, keeping you energized without the jitters. It is perfect for those who need more concentration and maintain vitality. Whether you need to wake up in the morning or combat afternoon fatigue, at your desk, in the kitchen, or on the go, Catfits mushroom coffee provides a convenient energy anytime, anywhere

Antioxidant Support & Synergistic Effects — Chaga is rich in antioxidants, offering powerful antioxidant capacity that can help immunity, gut health, and enhance mental clarity, mood, and energy. L-theanine promotes relaxation and calmness; MCT oil sustains energy; collagen supports skin health; and ashwagandha supports immune health. These ingredients work synergistically to safeguard your health, making mushroom coffee an ideal beverage for maintaining cellular health and supporting gastrointestinal function. Undoubtedly, this will become your best choice for a coffee alternative

Delicious and Potent Mushroom Coffee Powder for Women and Men — 120g instant coffee powder, with a recommended daily dosage of 3.2g, lasts for 37 days. You can mix it into your daily breakfast, smoothie, or water, and even enjoy it chilled. This unique mushroom coffee contains no artificial colors, gluten, or dairy, making it safe for consumption. With just one jar of mushroom coffee powder, you can experience the health benefits of over ten individual supplements. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us, and we will be happy to assist you

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