Heated Cat House for Outside: Outdoor Heated Cat House Weatherproof, Large Cat Heated House Outdoor for Winter, Elevated Insulated Cat Shelter with Escape Door for Strays Feral Barn Cats(Green)
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【All Season Cat Haven】The heating pad maintains a cat-friendly 95℉-113℉, no adjustments needed, just plug and use. Besides, its waterproof and auto shut-off design ensures safety. The heated outdoor cat house has doors on all 4 sides, allowing to open fully in warmer seasons, creating a well-ventilated, open space for cat's comfort. In winter, close the doors and reinsert the heating pad for warmth. This design allows for year-round use, not just in winter.

【Rain, Wind, Snow? No Problem】Cats dislike water and can easily catch colds when wet. Outdoor heated cat house is made of durable 900D Oxford fabric with a waterproof layer, providing a secure outdoor shelter that effectively resists rain, wind, and snow. The 4.74-inch elevated base further prevents water and snow from seeping inside. Also, the bottom features drainage holes, allowing any accidental water entry to drain quickly, keeping the interior dry and cozy.

【Built Tough, Like a Tank】Made with 900D Oxford fabric and industrial-grade stitching, cat house heated endures up to 10,000 scratches ease. Its tear-resistant structure is so strong that even a bear couldn't easily tear it apart. The baseboard holds over 100 lbs for stability, while the fiberglass frame is 3 times the flexibility of steel, resisting impacts and without deforming. Built to last, it provides a safe and sturdy haven for your cat year-round.

【One-Way Out, No Way In】Stray cat mothers often face conflicts while searching for food to protect their kittens. Cat house heated features a 24x15cm escape door, allowing an adult cat to exit easily in case of threats from other animals. The bottom bar ensures cats can escape but keeping other animals out, offering safety. Besides, it blocks wind from entering, helping to keep the interior warm, making it a reliable shelter for outdoor cats.

【Built for Multi Place, Loved by You】Heated cat houses are suitable for indoor and outdoor use across all seasons, making it perfect for cat owners, farmers, stray cat organizations, cold-region residents, volunteers, rescue groups, pet shop owners. Good solution for outdoor-only cat families. It can be placed in backyards, courtyards, farms, barns, porches, patios, garages, house corners, or along walls, offering a reliable shelter for various environments.