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Shark FlexStyle Air Multi-Styler w/ Auto-Wrap Tech

33% OFF
$300.00 /$336.0
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MULTI-STYLING TOOL: Rotate the powerful hair dryer and transform it into a versatile multi-styler.

CURL, VOLUMIZE, SMOOTH, & DRY: The versatile stylers attach to the styling wand & hair dryer and give you the power to explore styles for any hair type.

NO HEAT DAMAGE: Giving you fast drying while maintaining low heat, measuring & regulating temperatures 1,000x per second to ensure consistent air temperature. Rather than getting hotter as it runs, Shark minimizes heat exposure & regulates temperatures.

POWERFUL, FAST DRYING: It may be compact and lightweight at just over 1.5lbs, but FlexStyle gives you power and speed for ultra-fast performance. Style while you dry with no heat damage.

FOR ALL HAIR KIND: Powerful, fast-drying hair dryer and ultra-versatile multi-styler for straight, wavy, curly, and coily hair.

1.25” AUTO-WRAP CURLERS: Attach to the Shark FlexStyle styler. Wrap, curl and set automatically using Coanda Technology. Includes 2 curlers to curl in different directions.

2 BRUSHES: Attachable OVAL BRUSH smooths, defrizzes, and adds volume & bounce, while delivering powerful airflow. The attachable PADDLE BRUSH employs powerful airflow, straightening & smoothing your hair, all at once.

STYLING CONCENTRATOR: Attach the rotatable nozzle when in hair dryer mode. The rotatable nozzle gives you better angle control while you style and dry.

TEMPERATURE AND AIRFLOW SETTINGS: Includes 4 heat and 3 airflow settings that can be increased or decreased manually based on your preference. The cool shot button locks in your style.

AUTO-WRAP CURLERS: Now for the magic. The Coanda effect automatically wraps, curls, and sets, for hassle-free curls in seconds.

OVAL BRUSH: Bring the bounce, and turn up the volume. Shark’s oval brush dries as it styles, taking your hair’s shine to a new level.

PADDLE BRUSH: Smooth & straighten, all at once. When we say faster routines, we mean it. Less time styling, more time living.

STYLING CONCENTRATOR: Style and dry at the same time. With a rotating nozzle for easy styling, you can perfect your blowout game, effortlessly

THE TECH BEHIND NO HEAT DAMAGE: Shark FlexStyle™ measures heat 1,000 times per second ensuring consistent air temperatures and no heat damage.

WRAPS, CURLS, & SETS AUTOMATICALLY WITH COANDA TECH: Place a lock of hair near the curler, and it will automatically wrap around, for hassle-free curls in seconds.

DUAL BRISTLE TYPES: Detangle, smooth, and add shine to hair, while bringing volume and bounce to finished styles.

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