Trailer Lock,Upgraded Heavy Duty Tongue Hitch Lock Secure 2-5/16 Inch Ball Coupler and Safety Chains,Anti Theft Locking Protection for RV,Camper,Pickup,Boat and Travel Trailer
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Quick & Easy Locking with Unbreakable Keys: Designed for heavy - duty use, the patented push - button puck lock secures your coupler in seconds without needing a key to lock it. When you need to unlock, just use one of the 3 theft - proof keys. They have anti - pick grooves and drill - defying pins, making it easy to unlock. The internal blocking mechanism stops lock - picking and key duplication, a feature that security industries use to protect valuable assets.

Perfect Fit for 2-5/16" Heavy Duty Couplers: This lock is precision - designed for industrial trucks, boat trailers, and commercial RVs. It eliminates the gaps that thieves often target. Its exclusive 2-5/16 inch compatibility meets the tough requirements of the construction, logistics, and marine industries. It ensures a tamper - proof seal on couplers that professionals trust. Make sure to check your tongue coupler type and size before you buy.

Weather Resistant Beast for Harsh Conditions: This lock can handle anything from coastal salt spray to Arctic blizzards. Its corrosion - resistant powder coat and sealed core keep it working where other locks might fail. The bright silver finish is a proven visual deterrent at job sites, marinas, or remote camps. Thieves know it's a strong lock and will think twice before trying anything.

Upgraded Design for Real World Use: We've reengineered this lock with more chain storage and full - coverage shielding to address the concerns of truckers and boat owners. Its streamlined profile fits perfectly on commercial - grade hitches, and the rugged build can handle the daily wear and tear of industrial use. You can sleep soundly knowing your gear is protected by a security system that's been proven in various industries. No need for bulky tools or wasting time.