Tymate RV Tire Pressure Monitoring System, Solar Charge TPMS, 4 Sensors & 5 Alarm Modes, M7-3 2024 Updated Color Display, W/Repeater for Longer Distance Transmission, 0-87 PSI for RV Trailer Camper
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[Advanced Real-time Monitoring & Easy Setup]: Explore Five Alarm Modes and Easy Setup for Alarm Thresholds With the Tymate Tire Pressure Monitoring System M7-3, youll unlock five unique alarm modes, including fast leak detection, high/low-pressure alerts, high-temperature warnings, and sensor low voltage notifications. Upon pairing, the system effortlessly sets the current pressure as the reference point, simplifying the configuration of alarm thresholds (with an Alarming Range from +25% PSI to -15% PSI of Reference Pressure)

[Extending Range with Repeaters & Ensuring Precision with Sensors]: The Tymate Tire Pressure Monitoring System M7-3 features sensors with low power consumption and extended battery life, lasting up to 2 years. With its compact size, lightweight design, and high tire pressure sensing accuracy (within an error range of no more than 3 PSI), installation is effortless. Its also designed to withstand dust, water, wind, and snow. Utilizing repeaters can further extend the sensing range beyond 50 feet, ensuring comprehensive coverage

[Upgraded Color LCD Display and Live Monitoring]: The Tymate Tire Pressure Monitoring System M7-3 features an intelligent Color LCD screen that automatically adjusts backlighting in varying light conditions, ensuring clear data display. With real-time monitoring capabilities, it provides simultaneous display of data from all 6 sensors, allowing drivers to easily access tire pressure and temperature information whenever needed

[Energy-Saving Mode and Vibration Activation]: If the vehicle remains stationary for 10 minutes without charging, the Tymate Tire Pressure Monitoring System M7-3 will enter power-saving mode automatically. During this mode, the display will turn off, and no sensor data will be received. Simply press any key or vibrate the display to activate the system again, bringing the Tymate Tire Pressure Monitoring System M7-3 with 6 External TPMS Sensors back to standby mode

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