42PCS Magnetic Blocks, Gifts for 3 4 5 6 Year Old, Magnet Building Blocks for Toddlers, Girls & Boys, Sensory - Montessori - Autism - Magnetic Toys for Kids Ages 3-5 4-8
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【Autism sensory toys for 3 YEARS OLD and UP】 It is great suitable for reducing stress and anxiety, helping to develop focus and concentration,Helps children acquire a strong sense of color, counting, geometric shapes, 3D forms at an early age 3 4 5 6. It can also develop spatial imagination ability, architectural design and hands-on skills for kids 3 years old and up. Spark the creative genius in your kids while have fun.

【FUN and NOVEL MAGNETIC BLOCKS】Encourage creativity for STEM (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics) education which is the key factor to success in today's ever-changing environment. Fun and perfect educational gfit for school age kids that will never go out of style.A good educational toy for preschool kids, family educational tools, and parent-child interactive toys.

【GREAT MAGNETIC BLOCKS TODDLER TOYS】 Magnetic blocks are made of strong and non-toxic ABS plastic with round edges and Smooth surface for more safety for toddlers 2-4. Our bigger size designed building blocks can not only be more effective prevent toddlers’ swallowing problem but also suitable for kids’ little hand to grasp. The Upgraded stronger magnetism makes it easier and faster for babies and toddlers to stack each blocks together to create more stable 2D/3D structure.

【GREAT GIFT TOYS for Girls Boys】The magnetic cubes blocks can be DIY to different shapes of models by children of different ages. They can not keep their hands off the blocks when they are having fun with them. Therefore, our toddler blocks make a perfect and popular gift for kids ages 3 4 5 6 7 8 Years old and suitable for any occasion like family, outdoor and kindergarten.

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