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Bird Feeder with Camera Outdoor,Smart Bird Feeding House with Solar Powered,Built in 2560P HD WiFi Camera,AI Bird Species Recognition,4MP Auto Capture Bird Video and Live View for Bird Lover

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$69.98 /$79.08
$34.99 /$79.08

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【Perfect Bird Habitat】This bird feeder with the camera is made of high quality material, sturdy and durable. The IP66 waterproof funnel design of the bird feeder makes sure that the birds can eat dry food. Equipped with up to 2L large capacity container, no need to replenish bird seed frequently. Additional fruit fork and water container are included and it will become a place that birds love to go. There are three different installation methods to choose from hanging, perforated, and straps.

【Upgraded High Definition Bird Watching device】The bird feeder with the cameara is built with an upgraded 2560P HD camera(4MP 2.5K). The unique design allows the device to get very close to birds, and the images captured by an HD camera provide impressive details of birds. In addition, this video bird feeder provides a 140°wide-angle lens,4MP HD Real-time video and night vision, etc.

【Bird Arrival Alert and Automatic Recording】When birds enter near the bird feeder with camera wireless outdoor, motion-activated, you will receive real-time message notifications via the app. This birdhouse with a camera can also automatically capture personalized close-up shots and exciting moments, and store them on a memory card or cloud storage. You can watch interesting moments captured through the replay function. (comes with an extra 64GB memory card)

【Bird Species Recognition】This camera bird feeder can intelligently recognize over 10000 types of birds, offer the best experience to observe birds.You can view detailed bird information in the app, watch, and learn more about your favorite birds. The identified birds can be collected and viewed at any time.

【Energy saving and Independent solar panels design】The smart bird feeder are built-in 5000mAh rechargeable battery, adopts an energy-saving design, and consumes less power, It can be used on standby for 6 months without charging. The rotating solar panel is independent of the bird camera feeder, ensuring that it can be placed independently in a place with strong sunlight for continuous charging without being affected by the installation position of the bird feeder.

【Excellent Customer Support and Warranty】We dont just provide you with quality products, we offer you top-notch ones. This includes a comprehensive and user-friendly manual as well as round-the-clock customer support to address any queries you might have.

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