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Hummingbird Feeder Camera with Ant Moat, Bee Proof, AI Identify Bird Species, Bird Watching Camera W/ 3 Feeding Ports, Instant Notifications, Gifts Ideal for Family

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$89.99 /$101.69
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$58.49 /$101.69

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Watch Humming Birds & Receive Instant Notifications- MHCABSR smart hummingbird feeder with camera can auto capture and record hummingbird videos that coming to the bird feeder, and you will receive instant real-time notifications with a high resolution snapshot image and video via the phone app (VicoHome app).

Smart Hummingbird Feeder with 1080P Full-Color Night Vision- Experience the MHCABSR hummingbird feeders stunning 1080P resolution and vibrant color night vision, ensuring crystal-clear imaging day or night. Featuring a 3x digital zoom and a 160° wide-angle lens, it captures every moment with precision. Connect seamlessly via stable 2.4GHz Wi-Fi (NOT compatible with 5GHz), allowing you to observe and document avian visitors from the comfort of your home.

Ant Moat, Bee proof & Leak proof Design- No worries for ants or bees anymore as our Hummingbird Feeders for Outdoors Hanging has a unique built-in ant moat and bee proof structure so that you can only feed your humming birds as expected; 20 ounces of capacity is enough to keep the nectar fresh; 3 flower shaped feeding ports with perches are easy to feed and watch the hummingbirds; The thicker gasket ring to prevent nectar from leaking.

Humming bird attractive & User Friendly Design- The Hummingbird feeder camera designed with premium BPA free plastic which is good for bird health, the transparent container is easy to check nectar level; The camera in the bird feeder is easy to slide in and out, so the wireless camera can be easily disassembled to recharge, upper and lower double opening nectar tank structure allows you to clean the feeder parts very easy. (Cleaning brush, Hanging hook included & Dishwasher Friendly)

Advanced AI Recognization for Humming Bird Species- The smart Hummingbird feeder camera with the advanced AI algorithm identifies 95% of the hummingbirds species, and check details of the bird species in the VicoHome app, provide wildlife hummingbird education for all ages. (Basic Cloud service subscription needed for the birds AI service, One month free trial for all new users)

Free storage & Gifts for Bird Lovers- MHCABSR humming bird feeders camera will record the birds videos and store in the Cloud up to 3 days for free, and you can extend it by subscription or store them in the free 64G card. Share lovely moments with friends or family, the hummingbird feeder camera is a great outdoor present for kids and the elderly. Enjoy a worry-free return and exchange policy within 30 days of receiving it.

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